Evaluation of Carousel last week

1. Evidence of me taking part: (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) 
these are some photographs that I have taken.

2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: U2.1.1,
In this session we looked at different pictures with different apertures and the shutter speed so we are aware of the difference of the images and looked at the different parts inside of the camera and lens.
2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: U2.1.1
We tried taking photographs while objects and people are moving with different shutter speeds to see the difference between the images and we took photographs of images with different focuses with different apertures to see the difference between the images too.
2c Discuss any processes and methods you used : U1.1.1
We took photographs of people and objects moving and a photographs of object in focus and uploading them onto my drive.
When we took photographs of people and objects moving we changed the shutter speeds so the images became blurred whilst moving or clear whilst moving and when we took photographs of objects in focus we changed the size of the aperture to create either the whole image in focus or just one object in focus.
2d Discuss the tools that you used: U2 3.1
The tools we used were a camera,objects and other classmates.
Evaluate them
How effective were you with these tools?
I felt i was effective with the camera by experimenting taking photographs in different ways with different focuses and taking photographs of different moving objects.
How could this be improved?
This could be improved by taking more photographs to show the differences clearly and making them more unique.


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