Task 2

Genre codes and conventions

The genre of my film is Thriller. The codes and conventions of the genre Thriller are: low lighting, quick cuts, shadows, music, changing the angle of the shot, black and white shots, diegetic sound effects and montage of shots. Audiences use genres to decide what type of film they choose to watch, whereas media producers use genres so they can produce more information about their film and so the audience know what they're watching and so they can compare which ones are popular so they know what genre to create their film. My film uses quick cuts, music, changing the angle of the shot and digetic sound effects.

Interactive/Branching Narratives

Interactive stories appeal more than normal ones because it involves the audience within the story as they can choose the way the story goes on. The most effective choices to give a viewer would be ones to create tension and make it interesting, to make the viewers care about the choices they make by making them interesting and creating tension in each choice. If you have too may choices to give the viewer it can stop it from being a story because if there's so many choices it makes it less effective. An example of interactive storytelling would be "go left", "drink the water" and so on. I decided where to place the viewer's choice at points that can create more tension.

Conventions of screenwriting

A screenplay is for the cast and crew of the production. It is laid out so it's easy to read and is clear who says what and what actions they do and how to set the scene. Names are in capitals and setting the scene of the set and the characters lines are in lower case this is to make it clear to the cast and crew who says what line and how the scene is set. A script includes: shot types, lines, location of the set; a script excludes: costume, makeup and music. During the script-writing process I created a brief outline of my section and we discussed the beginning scene and how we were going to film and set it out and wrote the beginning scene together and we then wrote our own scripts of our own segment including the location and we left out the camera shots and character descriptions. 

Planning Film Production

The actors/actresses, cameramen and director have to be present on set during filming. A Camera Operator is responsible for the First Assistant Camera, Second Assistant Camera and the Camera Trainee. During shooting, the Camera Operator is responsible for all aspects of camera operation and enabling the Director of Photography to concentrate intensively on lighting and overall visual style. A Director of Photography is responsible to conduct research and preparation like locations. Also preparing a list of all required camera equipment: lights, film stock, camera, cranes for the production office to order. During my production i will be taking on the responsibilities of multiple job roles by recording my segment and also being the Director of my segment. In order to complete my filming I will need to tell the actors/actresses what they need to do and what they say and recording the outcome and if it fails then telling them what to do to improve.   


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