Camera Techniques

Tilt Shots

Tilting the camera upward or downwards is one of the simplest camera techniques. well executed tilting showing some interesting action with a perfect coordination between the camera operator and the action can make an incredibly elegant even though they are simple. In order to create this shot you must set up the shot so that you can tilt up or down without mixing it with panning. Tilt shots should be executed smoothly and confidently, without overshooting the final frame.

Zoom Shots

Zoom shots are good if you get them right and successfully blend them into your directorial style. The way to make the zoom shots really effective and creepy is to make them really smooth and not zooming too fast. 

Dutch Angles

A Dutch Angle is a shot that is rotated about the camera axis, resulting in tilted verticals. Dutch angles are used to elicit a sense of unease and disorientation in the viewer. In narrative filmmaking Dutch angles should be used sparingly, reserving them for the rare occasions in which they are narratively appropriate. 

Over-the-shoulder shots

Over-the-shoulder shot is a shot with an actor's shoulder in the foreground, out of focus. A decent over-the-shoulder shot is the most time-consuming to shoot correctly because you need to make sure there is neither too much nor too little shoulder within the frame. Over-the-shoulder shots draw the viewer in by creating a sense of intimacy, depending on how much of the screen area the shoulder in the foreground occupies. 


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