
Showing posts from September, 2017

Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods

1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: T o compare a range of media products. 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer: Blog link to this week: Answer: https:/

Week 3 Second evaluation of the Carousel

Task 1 List your week on the Carousel Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) List under the following  Research that you carry out in these sessions In these sessions we experimented the dynamic dyes on a piece of paper and then put them in the heat press and printed them onto a piece of material to see how much the colour's of the dye changed. Reviewing PowerPoint Skills that you have tried,  Heat press, sublimation print, embroidery, applique, hand stitching Any  processes  and methods you used. We experimented the different dyes on a piece of paper and put them in the heat press and printed them onto a piece of material and then designed a logo with the word 'crew' we then made these logos on paper and painted them with the dyes and printed them onto another piece of material. After this we did some embroidery on the sewing machine, applique and stitching onto our logo. We cre

Week 2 First evaluation of the Carousel

1. Evidence of me taking part:  (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)  U1.1.2 2. Write up your experience of the following... 2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions:  U2.1.1, Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1 Primary: We experimented natural props to create different sound effects for a scary movie, we were given the genre: crime and had to make any short film about  that, and we also did some drawing of any object provided with different tools. Secondary:  We looked at previous students work and sharing knowledge with other students. 2b Discuss any skills that you have tried:  U2.1.1 We tried  mono printing, post production of a short film based on the genre crime, recording sound effects, made sound effects based on a scary movie,recording a short film based on the genre crime and different drawing skills with  different   techniques. 2c Discuss any processes  and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Pr