
Showing posts from March, 2018

Interactive Website Research

Darkest Hour Home page is video, could be from trailer Get tickets link, to different cinemas and dates and times Synopsis Gallery, images from filmvideos, trailer Interstellar Trailer comes up first Home, images from film in the background with the names of the main characters Story, explains the story of the film Videos, 4 different trailers: trailer 4, trailer 3, teaser trailer and announcement trailer Gallery, photos from the movie Downloads,where you can download wallpapers Tickets and showtimes

Task 3

Todorov's Narrative Theory Todorov's Narrative Theory have 5 different parts: Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition of Disruption, Attempt to repair Disruption and New Equilibrium. The Equilibrium is the normal state of the Character's life at the beginning of the story, the Disruption is a key event that occurs in the story that causes a disruption to the lives of the main characters, the Recognition of Disruption is when the protagonist is made aware of the Disruption and begins to do something about it, the Attempt to repair Disruption is when the protagonist tries to resolve the cause of the Disruption and the New Equilibrium is after the protagonist has overcome the cause of the disruption. My script links to this theory as it begins with Annie in her normal life just sitting at the bus stop, the disruption is when she receives a text message from her stalker, the recognition of disruption is when she looks up and sees the stalker there as she realizes it's serio

Interactive content

I began creating an image hotspot of the location of where I filmed my film and I then began to create different links from the image and describes each character and an image of them. I used H5P to practice the interactive content so I am aware of how to do this for my website by explaining the story. H5P is a website which allows you to create content interactive the certain tool i used was Image Hotspots and you can add links onto an image with text, images or even videos which can help an audience to understand the topic more or even explain the story. This allowed me to improve my skills to make my content interactive.

Review Filming

What went well: What didn't go to plan: People getting in the shot.

soundtrack report

Soundtrack Report TV Show Geordie Shore (Season 16 - Episode 3) Dialogue The introduction of this scene begins with a voiceover warning the audience that the programme contains explicit behaviour and language throughout the episode, it then presents the logo of the show with a video of the characters shouting their chant in the background. The scene then begins with two characters 'Nathan' and 'Aaron' joking around with each other, whilst this is occurring the characters within this programme are narrating the scene. As it continues Nathan's voice begins to become aggressive and raises his voice a little as he takes offence to one of Aaron's comments.  Sound effects As it begins to kick off in the scene there are banging sound effects as he is kicking and punching objects around the room and glass smashing. There aren't any other sound effects within the rest of the scene as it makes it more effective when it kicks off and they begin to fight  M


What genre would you classify your film as? Thriller Think of three examples from the same genre Taken, Obsessed List all of the things that they have in common - character types, story events, settings, etc. How many of these elements appear in your own story? What elements are unique to your story? why do media producers use genres? so they can produce more information about their film and so you know what you are watching and so they can compare which ones are popular so they know what genre to make. How do we as audiences use genres? we use genres to decide what sort of film we want to watch. who is the target audience for your film? how will your use of genre appeal to them? our target audience is 14-18 year olds and our genre will appeal to them by making it psychologically thriller 


As an SEO I will make people visit my site by including keywords to do with the location, actors, previous films and  anything that can relate to my video within my website also by making the keywords longer and more detailed for example if my website was about phones i could put ‘the best phone in the world’, make sure you have a short catchy domain that also relates to your website, have unique titles and descriptions so they catch your audience's attention and looks professional so they believe it’s trustworthy, make your website mobile friendly as mobiles are much more popular than computers nowadays, submit a sitemap so it’s easier for your audience to know their way around your website, becoming a local SEO by claiming your business on google maps so people that are looking for someone to fit that job role can see there work and where they’re located, structure your site so it looks organised, professional, it’s easy to use so it’s clear to the audience they know how to us

Task 4 The Choice

The Choice Target Audience  15 rating, 14-18.


What an audience is An audience is an individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text. Why audiences are important  Audiences are important because if there wasn't any audience there would be no media and no purpose for the product or text. Therefore producers won't give any money if there is no set audience for it but if there is a big audience they would give billions for it. Also, an audience is important because it can help you know what to put into the product or text because you know what is popular.


Setup 1 Setup 1 was the Arri Horror lighting which was the 3 point lighting so there was the key light which is the front light

Scene Soundtrack Analysis

The Bratz Movie Music The music in the scene where the group of girls walk into school and everybody turns around in shock it is hip hop music in the style of 50 cents music

Camera Techniques

Tilt Shots Tilting the camera upward or downwards is one of the simplest camera techniques. well executed tilting showing some interesting action with a perfect coordination between the camera operator and the action can make an incredibly elegant even though they are simple. In order to create this shot you must set up the shot so that you can tilt up or down without mixing it with panning. Tilt shots should be executed smoothly and confidently, without overshooting the final frame. Zoom Shots Zoom shots are good if you get them right and successfully blend them into your directorial style. The way to make the zoom shots really effective and creepy is to make them really smooth and not zooming too fast.  Dutch Angles A Dutch Angle is a shot that is rotated about the camera axis, resulting in tilted verticals. Dutch angles are used to elicit a sense of unease and disorientation in the viewer. In narrative filmmaking Dutch angles should be used sparingly, reserving them for t